Monday, December 19, 2011

Obama plans to Review Bush order to seal his President/Governor files from history forever,Whats He hide.. ?

Obama said that one of his 1st acts as president would be to repeal the executive oder by bush to seal his presidential papers as well as all of his files from his time spent as Governor of TX. These papers that GW Bush locked away in his Fathers presidential library where no one will ever be able to get their hands on them have been part of a 27 year battle in Congress to make all Presidential papers available to the public (National Security secrets being the exception. Bush put an end to the 27 year old debate when he signed an executive order sealing all records forever. This and many other of Bush`s orders are clearly an over reach of presidential powers. Bush,after being informed of this, just signed more orders giving the president the power to sign such orders! HOW CAN HE GET AWAY WITH THIS you may ask? His papers are sealed away for ever that's how he planned to keep it from you and I. If not for some in Congress speaking up this would have all gone away quietly just the way Bush had planned it. What is Bush hiding that he would violate our constitution and make him self a dictator to keep Americans from finding out. Should Obama order the papers open to congress for a FULL review? There is so much on this issue that if you Google "Bush executive orders " you will have plenty to read . Should Bush be able to stop Congress from voting on the issue the way he has? How does this info make you feel? Please No comments on security ,that's been covered, Thanks


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